Saturday, August 29, 2009

And the Winner Is

The big day has finally arrived!

I had 19 comments on my JCS 2008 Ornament Issue Giveaway

I want to thank everyone who participated and wish I had enough issues to send everyone a copy. The winner is Gaynor from Stitcher's Anon. Congratulations Gaynor if you will send me your snail mail address I will get it in the mail and you can start stitching for the holidays.

My birthday has been a fairly quiet one.

It started out early with my DS calling me and saying he had a blowout on the way home from work. He came home and went to bed for a few hours and then we went to buy a new tire. Drat!
Every time I get a little nest egg saved up something like this happens.

We had planned on going out to eat but I didn't feel like getting out of the car and going in so we got some Chic-Filet salads and came home to watch a movie. We are going for ice cream in a bit. Promised Buffy that she could go as soon as the sun went down and it wasn't so hot. She has all that hair and when we take her she sucks all the air with her nose by the vent. lol.


Karen said...

Happy Birthday....sorry life got in the way a bit. Hopeing you have a wonderful rest of the weekend and get some stitching in.

Julie said...

Congrats Gaynor.
Belated birthday wishes, i am so behind on blog reading.


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